Client should immediately obtain a copy of your DRIVING RECORD from DPS. We will need driving records for the last 10 years from every state you have lived (as soon as possible); For Texas license, go to, then go to TXDPS License Driver Records and fill out the form to request a Type 3. Obtain an SR-22 from your insurance company; List the Name and Address of your...
Driver’s License Suspension
Drivers License Suspension as a Result of a DWI/DUI Offense: When a driver is arrested s/he is supposed to be given a choice of a providing a breath or blood alcohol content (BAC) level test. An automatic suspension can take place if any one of the following occurs: (1) A test indicates BAC higher than .08 of blood-alcohol or more, or (2) a blood or urine sample is taken for later analysis, or...
DWI and DUI Terms & Definitions
Absorption Rate: The rate at which consumed alcohol finds its way into the blood stream. While alcohol sits in the stomach, its absorption is delayed. Absorption rate will be affected by how much was eaten, individual biologic differences, and what type of beverage was consumed. When drinking continues over a course of hours, both absorption and burn off (metabolizing of alcohol) will be...
Minor in Possession
What is Minor in Possession (MIP) If you are under 21 years of age and found in possession of an alcoholic beverage you may be charged with Minor in Possession or M.I.P. Anytime a minor is near where alcohol is present, they risk being charged with M.I.P. It is irrelevant that the minor did not purchase or own the alcohol. Further it does not matter that the minor did not consume the alcohol....
ALR Hearing (Administrative License Revocation Hearing)
ALR Hearing ALR Hearing Law went into effect on January 1, 1995. This program is the administrative process by which the Department suspends the driver licenses of individuals who are arrested for the offense of driving while intoxicated (DWI). Specifically, an individual may be suspended if he/she either refused to submit to a chemical test or provided a specimen with an alcohol concentration...